A party, late eve, a brief get together One night at Murphy Manor. Too many had arrived, and not enough left by the end of the night. I wanted to enjoy my evening, But I’ve been out of my mind, Skyscrapers are growing through my head. Angels are trespassing, AndContinue Reading

1.-waters-We swam in the river eighteen times last summer, The waterfalls washed our exhaustion away,And the current carried us through our griefs.  We took the bridges over the river,Back and forth, up and across, high skyscraper, and arms length over.  We took buses and trains, bikes and automobiles,But every time we walkedContinue Reading

The desolation started during the pandemic.Lines at the bank wrapped around and around the block.For someIt was their first encounter with the demon of food insecurity. The young ones cried carrying around an empty stomach forGod knows how long,While the parents whimpered embarrassed as headlines labeledthem failures. Others hoarded suppliesContinue Reading

I knew since long ago, a curse walking into, on a saturday morning. A reflection from a shattered mirror the night before, the curse crawls up, from the abyss, bald, 210lbs, and way too old to exist. It knocked me out, with a bloody face, in the morning. It burnedContinue Reading

Many had complained to the Sheriff But those two were still mocking this whole rodeo. It was a strong gesture, an impassioned move. They were even rumored to say they loved one another. Many in the community just said they needed wives. But they just kept going “home” together toContinue Reading

The wild Wild West isn’t so wild anymore. It’s now mostly parking lots, suburbs, and shopping malls. But I did fuck a cowboy once. His horse wasn’t as big as he said, and I would have mistaken it for a petting zoo donkey in a parade. Idk how he couldContinue Reading

The other night I had a visceral dream.  And My banner was ten feet tall.  Enshrined upon it was God Loves Everyone. Rainbows dropped from it, as I stood blocking evil.  For you see Behind me Was a banner reading: Fags Burn In Hell.  The hatred spewed from the bannerContinue Reading