If timewere my lover,I would never be alone.butShe said let’s just be friends. and soas things go, I grew old and time stayed young.When the end came near,she parted ways with me.I no longer needed a friend like herand she no longer needed me. Still, as I close my eyestoContinue Reading

some sleep carries dreamsto a far heavenI watch them rollbeneath your eyes sandsperched in dunes, trailingbroken chimes. the flower moon seesyou in your bedon a forest floorwhere moss makes barksoft. Arms folded, youcatch leaves from theblanket wind. sleep finds you withoutdreams your face turnedto the trees still standingsome nights seaContinue Reading

The sun glints a wicked lighton the whitecaps today. the landline shimmers,the quivering mouth of a lovesick sailor who keepshis girl’s likeness folded up and pressed to the inside ofhis cheek like chewing tobacco. the fabric of my dress clings tothe shape I make, long like a breath arched likeContinue Reading

we have kept our pantry full of deep kissesstolen maid-butler style hugs meant for spouses.we have kept our shame voices low on the phone,a better picture than the real thing. whispersmake weakness clear. We are cracked full in ourshells. Made for everyday wear-and-tear, uniformscover it well. I am not theContinue Reading

Long-haired Apollo sits with legs splayed outin perspective slant, upright bass in hand, pluckingsteady, mooded, sweat beading his pulsed temple,beating in dissonant tones that wrap deftly over, around his triple knotted fingers, doting on thewide frequency which sounds through the blackas one would on the brow of a lover. HeContinue Reading

A purple flow with a tint of pink A musk rose fragrant honeyA long wild strumming of guitarWhat else she can sayMore than theseof those moments. Ranjith Sivaraman is an upcoming Poet from Kerala, a beautiful state in India. His poems merge nature imagery, human emotions, and human psychology intoContinue Reading

I felt itsomewhere behindmy eyeswhen I wokeup that I’d be lateto work.I had a bad dream –I’ve beenhaving bad dreamsthe past few nights,but in this oneI was aloneand confused. When I wokeup I also felt aloneand confusedbut then I movedmy foot slightlyand I felt Sarah’s calf,warmand firmand still. Whenshe wokeupContinue Reading

She looked up from her book, her eyes pulled like a magnet to the red-feathered black fedora.Grandpa had worn a dark gray one, much the same. She smiled and looked back to her story but she had lost her taste for its banality in contrast to the memory of Grandpa’sContinue Reading

i am waiting for changeas the bells of the abbey blow across centuries/as smoke fills the nostrils/as lake ontario rolls over and plays dead/ i am waiting to make a telephone callwith a dime that will never workand still not understanding how wiresspank the sky/how any mountain willnever fall down/howContinue Reading