Written with an artificial intelligence word list generator. 1. the magic of technology long ago the solemn presence warned night purplish black crystal traveling what remembered his name not even hope was there the winged edge falls out the globe many centuries since magic still lingered but technology prevailed steelContinue Reading

When Viviann Ruiz isn’t working as a library assistant they can be found drawing either in their local park or at home. Taking artistic inspiration from movies and video games. Most of their art can be found at glynloryl@tumblr.com.Continue Reading

Everything dies. From the ant you just stepped on to the chickens being slaughtered down the road. Everything dies. Everything dies. They say you’ll go on, live after. They have no proof. It’s probably lies. Desperate wanting. Everything dies. Everything dies. From your favorite TV show to your secret dream.Continue Reading

 When the male witches flew into the river they made a male raft, an enclosed circle of men, and spat from their shoulders, spinning like a wheel. We chased after them over many bridges, their lips like lilies opening, as they swiftly swept through river towns. I caught the attentionContinue Reading

“Consider what is required,” said Gregor, “for something to be deemed a fact. There must first be a world, in some sense of world, to ground this thing called fact. How could the fact ‘water freezes’ be a fact without the existence of water? How could the fact ‘there areContinue Reading

I skulk around the gemmy corners of the emerald mausoleum and sift the twinkling dirt through the veil of my unnatural hand, as if memories of sentience were enough for me to hold the insubstantial grandeur of our lofty and unseemly dreaming. Never was I bold enough to challenge hisContinue Reading