The magician is having trouble reassembling his assistant. The trick is one he’s done hundreds of times before. The assistant goes in. The saw goes through. The boxes are elevated waist-high like gurneys on wheeled stilts. The boxes spin, and the assistant kicks her feet. The boxes are brought backContinue Reading

1. An Inquiry Is magic The physical manifestation of imagination? The power to plunge into fantasies And never have to leave? Make life more like dreams Or bouts of creativity? Freeing the luster of stories From material possibilities? Taking reality In whatever direction We might see it go. Is itContinue Reading

Venue upon venue, theaters sold out before ticket prices were disclosed. The time of entrepreneurial entertainers in Victorian England was at an all-time high. Some were high with the notion of fame. Others were drunk with it. But Salazar, stoic and steady, reached the pinnacle of the arcane within theContinue Reading

He finds her sitting on top of the kitchen’s table, a hand holding a book, Dark Side of the Universe, and her other one lifts an apple to her mouth. She bites and chews. Peeking through her dark long hair, her eyes, those ruby eyes he missed, focused on theContinue Reading

My father was attacked by an unidentified animal. It concentrated on his eyes and neck. He is horrible to look at. He has become an angry threat because of his deformity. When people look, he looks back. When people ask, he follows them into the store and harasses them untilContinue Reading

Buried deep in the topsoil Of his native village, my father’s ash Was swirled up in a tornado, joining All the gods in Taoist legends high Up in the western sky. He certainly Has no idea if he can become a Buddha As he wished; nor did he know heContinue Reading

My grandpa was a wizard. He may not have looked it; he didn’t have a beard or wear a cape, but he was magical. Most people may think that their own grandpa is a magician of sorts, just because they’re able to pull nickels from behind an ear or heContinue Reading

Out of the proverbial top hat, like a rabbit, pulled. Imagine that was your beginning! The tooth fairy, Santa Claus, imaginary friends with extraordinary powers turned your focus into addiction with hocus-pocus and fiction. Language lent a sleight-of-hand to every word that you would understand. It could animate the heartless,Continue Reading

Millie and Adela waggle their tow-sacks through the stile, grazing the beech hedge as if they were moony golden sheep instead of moony dun girls meant to be sharp-eyed, not dozy and slack, watching for bits of fluff, flimsy in the scraggly brush. They trod on silver thistle, quaking grass,Continue Reading