Bobbi, with an “i”, was staying with the Pryces, who owned a fish restaurant. They said she could sleep in the lobster tank, which was uncomfortable but at least it was full of seawater. Bobbi’s tail kept splashing, scaring the lobsters who scuttled to the other side.         “Do youContinue Reading

There was once, outside the town of Waldheim, a man who had four dark-haired daughters. The daughters had no mother for she had died giving birth to the youngest. The man bore the youngest no grudge for that and he did what he could to care for his four girls.Continue Reading

Once upon a time, there was a man who lived in a tower at the edge of the world, in the kingdom of Highcliff. In his youth, he had been wise enough to reject the meaningless things of this world, and at the age of thirty, left the court ofContinue Reading

In a beachside village on the Island of Sumatra, there once lived a widowed mother and her son, Malin. Scarcely able to feed and clothe themselves, they suffered those regular indignities of folks in fairy tales whose poverty-stricken lives portend great rewards in the end. A filial son, Malin caredContinue Reading

In my dream I am standing in a lake, water is dark and shallow, maybe a little thick. I am standing patiently waiting for things to happen when the first ghost shows up. He’s wearing a colorful paper mask that is referring to Chinese mask traditions but the rest ofContinue Reading

“Droggoth, droggoth, feer’in spew, hrottest feeri’n spew thote burn allyn sins awayn. Droggoth, droggoth, kommen hir to burn awoth allyn mine payn.” These lines from Altholm’s Morica attest to the existence of the droggoth, whose habitation, though unknown today, is likeliest deep beneath the boreal forests of Medgidia in south-easternContinue Reading

Alice found a white satin ring box, designed like a tiny treasure chest. She could not open the ring box, despite the serious effort she expended. “Inside this box,” murmured a newly appearing shadow, “is my shadow zoo. And it is beyond dazzling! Shadow-seahorses swimming shadow-seas, and shadow-silkworms spinning shadow-silk,Continue Reading

Coleman Stevenson is an illustrator, writer and tarot practitioner based in Portland, OR. She is the artist behind the Dark Exact Tarot Deck and the author of Breakfast: 43 Poems (Reprobate/GobQ Books, 2015) and The Accidental Rarefication of Pattern #5609 (bedouin books, 2012). Her poems have appeared in a variety of publications such as Paper Darts,Continue Reading

Sarah is a writer, folklorist, and filmmaker. Her short documentary film on the multiracial identity, “What Are You?,” was aired on Oregon Public Broadcast in 2015. She has presented her research at national academic conferences, and is currently working on a middle grade fantasy series based on Indonesian folklore. SheContinue Reading

      Oaktea has always been in love with every aspect of a book–from the design to its contents, everything contributes to the experience. She started making comics for the all-in-one art and words combination, and eventually started working in bookstores to feed her voracious habit, as well as herContinue Reading