I don’t know howto speak of structurewhen structure is a wallwished into existencesome matter of willprevailing against anotheryou went madyou saidover a horsebeing beatenof all thingsbut I get it Iknow the differencebetween thelivingand thedead.Are you afraid of your Nation?how can you be blamedbut I think you foundyour own wayconsideringthe converseofContinue Reading

There is a culture where, when the men know it’s time to die, climb trees.They hope, upon death, to drop from the tree and explode on the ground.The higher they fall the further spreads their progeny. The job in boyhood is to identify your father.Sons of honorable fathers must identifyContinue Reading

‘The beauty of a star-shaped figure—a hexagonal star, say—isimpaired if we regard it as symmetrical relatively to a given axis’(Ludwig Wittgenstein) ‘I’m at sixes and sevens here…’ Those were the last words she remembered her grandfather saying before his end. The words that followed were garbled consonants articulated by theContinue Reading

He hadn’t had much, not that muchfor him anyway. For his stomach that guzzled bottlesand cups and little plastic shooters. Eyes glazed,lamps dim, summer tongues, pendulumhands – ones that pulled me into cat-black nightswhere no one could spy. He hadn’t had much, but I knewit was enough for him toContinue Reading

There was an old woman made of rags who lived under thesink.She threatened everybody.Get your filthy hands off me!The sink was worse.He loved cigars. And he was a racist.He spit at people. He kicked at people.He was not really a sink but an old man bent to look like aContinue Reading

The house groans as the wind tries to rip it apart tugs at its loose shingles and the ancient tar paper beneathfinds its way through the cracks in the rough window frames rattles and rustles the plastic taped around the sills.   We groan as we hear the places our house isContinue Reading

phone homephone homeit’s miles awayyou’re miles awaydisconnectedbut the landline’s still plugged inby thin wiresand electrical pulsesgoing this way and thatlike memories traversing back and forththrough mountains and oceans in your mindyou almost can’t bring-ring yourself to hang on…ring-ringfamily gathering-ringparents overbearing-ringa weight you’re shouldering-ringdangling on a heartstring-ringsplintering-ringjumping and teetering-ringerring-ringregretting. . .hello?hellContinue Reading

The fist climbs into a town. The fist climbs into a canyon. Thefist fits inside a cave beside a waterfall.The boy and the girl were making love in the small lake whenthe hand came through the waterfall. It was the size of a delivery truck. The waterfall split in twoContinue Reading

1. Fear is space. Space is fear,Compartmentalized,Closed spaced,Concealed. Common spaces,In a cold place,Where the rest of the world traipses. Enclosed in warmth and vitality,A lonely,Quarantined,Crevice,Where whispered echoes,Reinforce,Every vile confession. Force your way through,The hanging splinters of imagery,And fractals of light,Twisting words,With salty drips of condensation, And the sweet sickness in theContinue Reading

Still wet with dewthe Earththat draws the living from the dead now cradles newborn fawnplays the part of grassy bed The sunaway since yesterdaysurges through the meadow brings a thousand shades of greendrapes the fawn in hunter’s shadow Posed for deaththe hunter stands and contemplates the deer His heart criesContinue Reading