At long last we’re sending out decisions on Old Favorites submissions. Thank you for your patience with us. We had over 260 pieces to review! You can see a pie chart of how many submissions we got for each theme, which I find interesting.

It wasn’t too surprising that the more recent themes didn’t get as many submissions (we accepted a lot of great pieces already), but it was nice to see some of our more “out there” themes like Structures and Origin of Life get attention.
And speaking of out there themes, Hacking probably won’t attract quite the same numbers, I think it’s a theme that is rife for interpretation, so submit a piece today!
I hope you all had fun revisiting these old themes too. As we approach our fifth anniversary it’s nice to look back at everything we’ve done and to look forward to where we’re going next. We have our next 9 issues (our run through the rainbow) planned out, and if you want to get a heads up on what the next theme will be sign up for our newsletter. I try to get subscribers the next theme a month in advance, and I’ll be getting better about that. This time it was too much fun to play off that we were hacked, and I didn’t want to leave too much time between the joke and the reveal.
There’s some great things in the pipeline for our podcasts too. The DO Fiction podcast will be releasing some fun recordings we did to celebrate a few of the past DO themes starting tomorrow. So make sure to subscribe today. And Late Night Pomes is nearing its 50th episode! And you, yes you, will be able to participate in making it happen — more info to come soon. (You could always write along with an episode and send us your pomes too.)
I think that’s all for now.