Consider the bees – Brooke Hoppstock-Mattson

I suppose there must be a god
to do with this blue-green earth
when I am reluctant enough
to consider the bees

When I am reluctant enough
to consider the selfless bees,
kept and unkept,
I think of something more than us

Something more than you and I,
weaving mystery into secret,
like they do
turning flowers to wine

Preserving solstice blooms
into syrupy droves offered unguarded;
almost to thank
lusting strangers for their urges

In my lonely life
in this lonely world
I often forget
to consider the bees

Brooke Hoppstock-Mattson is an American poet living in Canada with her spouse and ginger cat, David Bryne. When she is not writing, she is collecting honey & salmon for her day job. Brooke has work published in the borderline and forthcoming in First Literary Review – East.

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