Oh, crazy speech, liberated
from the cause itself!
Oh, human clamshell still
slippery with the grease of sex!
Oh, heaven-bound ephemera
above our houses like space junk
built from a much needed
summer rain! Oh, telltale
stain on the soul!
Oh, ghost of Otis Redding!
Oh, cheese course! Oh, secret
underpants or lack thereof!
Oh, breath and bardic convention!
Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise!
GLEN: Glen Armstrong holds an MFA in English from the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst and teaches writing at Oakland University in
Rochester, Michigan. He edits a poetry journal called Cruel Garters and
has three recent chapbooks: Set List (Bitchin Kitsch,) In Stone and The Most
Awkward Silence of All (both Cruel Garters Press.) His work has appeared in
Poetry Northwest, Conduit and Cloudbank.