Early March by Lynette Esposito
When spring comes,frost ghostsnew grass blades–flowers hold their breathshiver–waitinguntil the chill has passed. then open their bloomsbeneath the warm sununafraid.Continue Reading
When spring comes,frost ghostsnew grass blades–flowers hold their breathshiver–waitinguntil the chill has passed. then open their bloomsbeneath the warm sununafraid.Continue Reading
She had ghosts in her blood–born with them in her cells–raised with them–heard their voices at nightwhen her mother said prayers. When her babies were born,the ghosts followed the childrento their new lives –born in their cells.Ghosts knew themfrom their mother’snightly prayerswhen she spoke their names.Continue Reading
They stood before the priest and knottedthemselves together with a vowuntil death do us part.And yet, what if the knotstays tight and death isjust an illusionof escape? Lynette G. Esposito, MA Rutgers, has been published in Poetry Quarterly, North of Oxford, Twin Decades, Remembered Arts, Reader’s Digest, US1, and others.Continue Reading
When Lucian, not yet three, puts his hand in mine.I feel such joy–this boyknots his lifeline to minein a faiththat he can lead me to where ever he wants to go,and I in the same perfect grandma faith,take him there. Lynette G. Esposito, MA Rutgers, has been published in PoetryContinue Reading
The heavy nightopened her womband the earth was born–a beautiful baby blue and greenheld together withdelicate knots woofedon an invisible loom–swaddling a new star in the universe. Lynette G. Esposito, MA Rutgers, has been published in Poetry Quarterly, North of Oxford, Twin Decades, Remembered Arts, Reader’s Digest, US1, and others.Continue Reading
She stared at me with her marble eyesand knotted my heart so tightit turned to splintered stone—pieces pierced my souland turned it as well.Then—now, I am alone–unmarked graniteabove a grave not yet dug. Lynette G. Esposito, MA Rutgers, has been published in Poetry Quarterly, North of Oxford, Twin Decades, RememberedContinue Reading
The dark nightstreams filaments of her indigo curlsacross the frosty sky.Embellished with stars,loosened locks showerthe late evening with tiny interwoven knotsthreading the curved dome tightly together. The translucent plaits seem to shiverin the crisp air. I walk home not minding my path— look up– watch,waitfor one to unravel or toContinue Reading
I look upto feelthe flickers of lightburningwith silver- blue flamesjust out of reach. The tips of my fingers almost touchthe fireasI stretch high and farto where I believeyou have gone. I am breathlessfrom the frosted airon a winter’s nightin the countrywhere stars are aplentybut I am alone. Lynette G. Esposito,Continue Reading
In the morningbefore it rains,nervous blue waterkisses the sandy shore lineuntil a dark storm interruptsthis noisy love affair. Then all is still. The water sleeps–its silver face serene. Lynette G. Esposito, MA Rutgers, has been published in Poetry Quarterly, North of Oxford, Twin Decades, Remembered Arts, Reader’s Digest, US1, andContinue Reading
If timewere my lover,I would never be alone.butShe said let’s just be friends. and soas things go, I grew old and time stayed young.When the end came near,she parted ways with me.I no longer needed a friend like herand she no longer needed me. Still, as I close my eyestoContinue Reading
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