No one can stop The Blood. No one can know whether The Blood is good or bad. The Blood wears a long red cape, so long it is like a power line snapped and hanging down to the ground. What is the process of The Blood? To start, The BloodContinue Reading

There are few superheroes as ancient as The Man Made of Stone, for he has seen every shade the villains of evil can make bubble and boil from the depthless undying center of earth, from which all evil springs. It burns at 9,392° Fahrenheit, the earth’s core. It is fromContinue Reading

 When the male witches flew into the river they made a male raft, an enclosed circle of men, and spat from their shoulders, spinning like a wheel. We chased after them over many bridges, their lips like lilies opening, as they swiftly swept through river towns. I caught the attentionContinue Reading

The Light Tower There is an immense light on immense legs. It is as if the bulb of a lighthouse were rolled onto the legs of a water tower. As men lose their hair and graduate high school, they ascend the ladder up the tower. They got a woman pregnant,Continue Reading

Three days since the great hall has been swept; three days since the mirrors, portraits and glass bowls draped in black; three days since the nightingales, choirs and trumpets were silenced; three days and the King still holds himself in a ball–no one has shaved him, no one has washedContinue Reading

The Earth The explorer climbs a dune. And at the bottom sees a hole.  The hole calls up to the dune, Hello? The explorer shifts his feet. Sand seeps from under his feet and chokes the hole.  Eyeless, tongueless, I want you to kill me, says the hole.  The sunContinue Reading

The BridgeOld Soldier comes to the bridge. It is broken.Men pick up stones to fight.Old Soldier remakes the bridge, shouting at them.He throws stones into the water until the water is dammed andthey can cross to fight him.He shouts at them to kill him if they dare.He shouts at themContinue Reading

My brother’s ankle grew like a balloon. He dragged it around and bumped into things. ‘What’s happening to me?’ he said. He said it always and threw his hands down, having kicked over a train set. ‘I blame you,’ he said. ‘You’re a bad brother.’ Once I blindfolded him andContinue Reading