They live in the eyes. At the edge of every field of vision they wait just beyond the periphery, ever eager and always hungry. They teeter on the edge of each glance, relishing the moment when a view shifts and they are free to perform their sole function. That whichContinue Reading

happily never after   shadow fairies with pointed tails yeah like the devil their t-shirts proclaim ‘death saves’   as they dance through dark hallways yeah in my mind   i catch tiny glimpses mesmerizing phrases pulled backwards through ruby red lips forked tongues slither through my psyche   whisperingContinue Reading

Note: This story uses the non-gender pronouns e / em / eirs and they / them / theirs for some characters. “There once was a monster who lived under the bed. The monster stayed there, and slept mostly, until hungry. Then the monster ate the child who slept above, andContinue Reading

I. The forest darkens and I know you wander it. I hear bits of song, but without recognizable words—like the contents of my own head. Even in morning, no warbles of birds, only strange rustles (leaves on branches? Although they hang blankly in winter.) I hardly know you. I can’tContinue Reading

Once a pun a time, In a kingdom far away, There lived a king and queen, And their daughter, or so they say. This daughter, the princess, Was of unparalleled beauty. Gorgeous, beautiful, ravishing, Indeed, she was a cutie. But not only that, she was smart too, Reading everything inContinue Reading

Mermaids, mysterious and beautiful creatures of the deep, carry some of the most powerful magic on earth. Their beauty, intelligence, and special connection to the language of fishes and coral make them able to control the tides, creating the scariest tidal waves or the most serene snorkeling conditions. In thisContinue Reading

A young maiden with a secret: inside her chest, beneath her lace blouse, her rouged skin, and ribcage like a lobster trap, a carp lay flapping. At night it thumped against her sternum, keeping her awake. It bullied her, beating air out of her lungs, warning her against many menContinue Reading

feat. Andy Anderson, bb, Mickey Collins, Joe Galván, Sara Kachelman, Ariel Kusby, Olivia Olivia, Phoenix Singer, Piers Rippey, Remy Autumn Torres, and Katie Borak. Dear travelers of the deep, dark woods, We see you have a basket of breads and beautiful chocolates. We see you are nice in your heartContinue Reading

One day a boy was sitting on a park bench, eyeing a girl across the way whom he loved. As he heaved another deep sigh over his lovelorn position, he heard a tiny voice ask him, “What’s wrong, chum?” The boy looked down to see a tiny tick on theContinue Reading

Who knew that I’d be low below, a troll ‘neath a bridge, waiting for my next toll, gathering mold eating stale rolls and making mountains out of mole skulls just wanting to haul someone close to me   Knights often want to cross those Sir Chads make me mad butContinue Reading