We set ourselves out at dawn when there’s nothing but brinesoak’d air and heath. The least weird of our sisters takes out a green Crayola marker and colored in a burnt orange leaf this morning. The ink was too thin: too much water, not enough pigment, running black between theContinue Reading

as the crow-flowers tickle and the nettles prick her remembrances. she is a river of dream purpling the shadows of overhanging branches as, mermaid-like a while, she buoys herself up with flow and flight, no more the awkward baggage of a boy with clanking ghostly chains for brains. Kate Falvey’sContinue Reading

Ever since the birth of Ophelia Those of us who sing aloud For no reason have garnered Strange looks from the silent But when the angel falls When the phoenix burns When the birth cry finally comes Lips have no recourse but parting After comes the quiet death The ash,Continue Reading

Her ghost kept coming back to Hamlet maybe driving him mad as well who knows trailed by pale regret and her sad specter (haunted undersea dreams of the innocent drowned) his mist-thin love incapable of saving her but oh, her fair fey hair glistening, floating there lost love’s shudder risingContinue Reading

Romeo, I thought I knew you. You were a sap for pretty girls (or any girl, really), a little melodramatic, but sharp-witted, and also my best friend, the only one who always understood my puns, who always understood me. When you refused to fight, I thought I understood; Tybalt’s aContinue Reading

Oh, noblest of efforts by novices this spring evening not gone unnoticed. Such potent nouns summoned to play at names— monotony, tears, regret— & verb games: present tense, past tense, return present tense— with echoes of Romeo’s dawning sense; with deep down inside, inside my heart doubling the mind’s painContinue Reading

Once upon a time… Such a derivative phrase. And overused, in my opinion. But, it serves as well as any for my purposes, so here it goes. Once upon a time, there was a small village clinging to the rocky edge of the smallest island at the northernmost tip ofContinue Reading

The sensation of soil against my bare feet is a new one. I have understood and analyzed the concept of touch, but analysis and experience are very different. There is something… humming? Is that what that is? Yes, something humming, and I can feel it through the flat part ofContinue Reading

Venue upon venue, theaters sold out before ticket prices were disclosed. The time of entrepreneurial entertainers in Victorian England was at an all-time high. Some were high with the notion of fame. Others were drunk with it. But Salazar, stoic and steady, reached the pinnacle of the arcane within theContinue Reading