Beauty and the Beast by Justin Ratcliff

Show me your wrenched out heart
I want to hold it in my clingy claws
I want to bite down on the fleshy fibers
As the blood drips down my gullet

Give me your innocent eyes
I want to see what the esse entails
Slurping down the milky mess
Savoring all your scene things

My love for you is terribly taboo
My hunger for you is carelessly cannibalistic
My attraction for you animalistic and alien
My desire for you borders on illicit insanity

Justin Ratcliff is a new emerging poet, who was cast into the depths of himself during the Covid-19 outbreak. Born, raised, and still preceding in South Central Alaska. From a very early age he had found a haven in his local library. Each new book was a new world in which to escape the harsh realities of life’s bitter brew. Draws much of his inspirations from psychology, philosophy, theology, nature, and dark fantasy.

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