Like Waiting for a Rabbit in Your Lap
There was once there was a farmer who worked hard everyday. But one day he decided to rest and so sat beneath a tree. Suddenly, a rabbit rushed beside him, tripped and broke its neck.
That day the farmer feasted.
The farmer never worked again, but instead remained beneath the tree, wishing it might gift a second rabbit.
note: This story is based on the four-character phrase, 守株待兔 (shǒu zhū dài tù). Four-character phrases, like English idioms, are used in everyday speech. 守株待兔 is used to describe someone who falls into luck for nothing.
Sue Su is a Cambridge CELTA-qualified teacher with fluent English and Mandarin currently teaching Mandarin as a modern foreign language in the British School of Nanjing whilst tutoring English and Chinese privately.
Robert Eversmann works for Deep Overstock. His website is roberteversmann.com.