The Pharaoh, a born idealist but a decided realist, ruled his lands fairly. Although the streets did not shine with gold, the lands were abundant with soil fertile enough for perennial crops of wine grapes, olives, and apricot trees. His people had a dependable harvest in the autumn months, andContinue Reading

He had a double-name where you couldn’t get away with saying one or the other, you had to say both. It was hard to remember. It was “Asher Pembroke” or “Antonio Pope,” or something. But I knew it was Anderson Percy. The boy himself could never spell it. Instead, everybodyContinue Reading

The defining moments in our lives often don’t come with advance warning. ~ Sally Yates, former US Deputy Attorney General I read the news today, then consulted the Tarot. Seeing myself in the Major Arcana’s High Priestess of unknown secrets and hidden information, who dispenses both if I’ll listen: WhatContinue Reading

Dear Tristan, 2031, Look at you, knowing how to read. Hopefully that means I’ve done something right. Who are you? I only know you in black and white. Even your name is nothing more than just an idea. I haven’t felt you or seen you. It’s weird to write aContinue Reading

The future is a cone, a coneof possibilities extendingfrom the presentpoint.The coneis moving throughspace-time, following aforward arrow, unipolar, directedtowards tomorrow. Our future manifestsout of a cloud of probability from within the cone. The future is precisely unknown, but looming, a microsecond away, then proceeding into a widening blur of possibility.Continue Reading

Dr. Harry Porter ran his long slender surgeon’s fingers through his thick dark hair. He was new to medicine in some ways and not so new in others. He had been doctoring and innovating since before he was ten. The stories he could tell. A neighborhood cat had had itsContinue Reading

Don’t let an imploding star as seen through some mega-lens telescope worry you for our ancient fiery orb. Your words are measured by a sputter of hydrogen, the treason of nitrogen, the unwillingness of breathable air to stick around when suns give up the flaming ghost. Your ideas, even onContinue Reading