Sabi wandered through the long grasses, skirting around enormous trees that gave plenty of shade and even better cover from predators. Her mother had taught her long ago not to meander out in the open or you may find yourself soaring above the clouds on the way to someone’s dinnerContinue Reading

“The fireflies came out tonight. It’s the first time I’ve seen them in a while. I know how much you like them.” His voice hummed like the softest of sandpaper against her skin. “There weren’t that many of them. Only a couple of pairs. Still, they were like tiny starsContinue Reading

Roger Camp is the author of three photography books including the award-winning Butterflies in Flight (Thames & Hudson, 2002) and Heat (Charta, Milano, 2008). His work has appeared in numerous journals including The New England Review, New York Quarterly, and the Vassar Review. He previously worked as a reference librarianContinue Reading

there is no greater image of  desperation  than the dog that runs back for  the bone  for the twentieth time  on a lonely afternoon.  it returns home to its master  lays down at his feet  sets down the emblem of his  dedication  and the master laughs,  accepts his gift half-heartedlyContinue Reading

My cat brings me gravel. He picks it up from the drive just outside and brings it to the kitchen. His catches tinkle as they are dropped on the tiles and my cat looks up and smiles. He is pleased to offer me such a grand present, I can tell.Continue Reading

Roger Camp is the author of three photography books including the award-winning Butterflies in Flight (Thames & Hudson, 2002) and Heat (Charta, Milano, 2008). His work has appeared in numerous journals including The New England Review, New York Quarterly, and the Vassar Review. He previously worked as a reference librarianContinue Reading

You say it’s just a phony menace, these alligators on the banks of the backyard stream, slowly warming their somber blood in late afternoon sunshine We are as safe as if they were butterflies or deer or even children splashing in that slow curdle of water. There is enough fishContinue Reading

I have nobs on my narrow snout I have over one hundred teeth   I am the world’s largest reptile I am the closest living relative to the dinosaurs   I like to eat fish, small mammals, and frogs I like to swim, crawl, and run   I live inContinue Reading

Roger Camp is the author of three photography books including the award-winning Butterflies in Flight (Thames & Hudson, 2002) and Heat (Charta, Milano, 2008). His work has appeared in numerous journals including The New England Review, New York Quarterly, and the Vassar Review. He previously worked as a reference librarianContinue Reading