Charlie White remembered when all the trouble broke out. It had been his junior year at Tech, spring actually, although he barely knew it because he rarely left his second floor apartment cyber-cave on Washington Street about a mile away from the Institute. His carefully constructed enclosure, with wall-to-wall computerContinue Reading

Purveyor or surveyor, I’m in the business of lies. I ferret out secrets and shadows, uncover outrages and hidden motives. I pry open closets, shake out rugs, dig up graves, excavate lost souls, throw bodies on ice. The underground, I’ve got it covered, or uncovered when it comes right downContinue Reading

1. A black dove flies 0. Outside my window 1. I see it and whisper: 0. “your small wings stretch” 1. “fly farther” 0. away from your confines 1. to start again 0. In this unjust world 1. Where body and time 0. Exist as a thin veil 1. WeContinue Reading

Florabelle knew the day would come when the little blocks of silica people still called computers could think for themselves. Twelve years of late nights, skipped meals, abandoned relationships, learning their languages—she hardly felt human anymore, but it would all be worth it soon. Her doubtful friends and peers stillContinue Reading

Artist Catherine Eaton Skinner illuminates the balance of opposites and numerical systems – ranging from simple tantric forms to complex grids, reflecting mankind’s attempts to connect to place/each other.Skinner’s creativity stems from growing up in the Pacific Northwest, her Stanford biology degree and Bay Area Figurative painters Nathan Oliveira andContinue Reading

If I could hack the worldObserve its computationsDissect its codeLeaving its secretsIntimately exposedI’d have to ask myself honestlyWhat would this power do to me? In the long nightsThrough wired dreamsAnd fluorescent fantasiesOf amplified heroicsWith synthesized idealsMolding a societyAnd adjusting humanityTo a higher resolution. To slide fluidlyThrough the mainframesOf earth’s institutionsBeContinue Reading

Irving (ID: G70133; Rank: 3,000) swiped his tablet and spooned his meal. He was in trouble because he turned on the lights during nap time. His punishment was to write Unpermitted light. Unpermitted light. Unpermitted light. Every day, Irving did something wrong, and every day, Irving had a new punishment.Continue Reading

PROPAGANDA 11 Blue lights, giddy-paced.Terraces flounced clear.We ashened into utility basement,no sandbags.High-rises grumbled to dust. * Blue lights flounced utility basementnoHigh-rises * Blue lights, verged on revelling.Chickenhearts flounced slumwards.Washing machine trundled in utility basement,no power glitches.High-rises evacuated. PROPAGANDA 12 Limpid, teeth-chattering daylight.Parade of blasted workers,grubby flags.Dressing-stations blobbed red –human tatters.Continue Reading

My sleeves like my sentences are too short Glasses slip off my noseI default oftenTexts dont stay within the margins Pants dont reach my anklesI might walk away from you in mid-sentence Punctuation doesnt concern me Its not me its not you Im not myself You expect more of meContinue Reading

My friend, Sean, saidin a poem, he could hearhis dead father’s bones singing.When December comes, your birthdaymonth, the air whistlesthrough the snow laden boughsand I think it is youon your way home. Lynette G. Esposito, MA Rutgers, has been published in Poetry Quarterly, North of Oxford, Twin Decades, Remembered Arts,Continue Reading