The frog has stopped callingIn the early light, but IStill feel the sound wavesSurging towards my mind’s shoreThough different from the frogsMy mother used to listen to whenI must have heard deepInside her teenager wombAs she walked at dusk from her first jobIn town back to her native villageTheir callsContinue Reading

Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and many other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review as well as other publications.Continue Reading

Eldey Island. 3 July 1844. Two Iceland fishermen Caught and killed two birds, while a third used His boots to tread their half-hatched egg into pieces That’s the inhuman end of a whole species used to be Called Penguin. The feathered couple was much More loyal to each other thanContinue Reading

Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and many other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review as well as other publications.Continue Reading

Zuriel and Kezia are sisters, who share a home, job, some pets, and many whimsical hobbies… along with Zuriel’s husband. It is an unconventional lifestyle that surely has neighbors confused. We like it that way. Zuriel van Belle mostly thinks about people, places, and animals. She is currently focused onContinue Reading

Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and many other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review as well as other publications.Continue Reading

Curled into a ball on the bed.Better off dead. Better off dead.Relentless mantra in my head.Better off dead. Better off dead.Turn on back and before my eyes,life’s report card flashes by,a bottomless column of F and I.Better off dead. Better off dead.Too tired to cry. Too sick for why.How shouldContinue Reading

“We should get a cat for Cole,” said Brad to Alice. “A pet would do him some good.” Alice looked to Brad from behind her “#1 Mom” coffee cup. She pulled the muffin he was about to grab away from him. “Remember what the doctor said?” Brad’s face fell, butContinue Reading

The Deer I They would fire on three.  Red leaves, yellow leaves, green leaves. The shot—like the birth of his son. The leaves.  The animal. The son cowered in the bushes.  The father took the son’s gun and counted. One through six bullets. The son had not fired the gun. Continue Reading