You do not notice it at first. Until you hear the lethargic stirring of a shallow puddle on your way to the kitchen. You look down to find your feet covered in water. It slips between your toes and dances through your arches in the absence of your movement. YouContinue Reading

The deck pitches in a slow roll with the swells, but worse is an irregular jolting motion which induces a drunken stumble gait. It is night, raining hard, and windy. There is a constant roar from the storm and the workings of the deck. Sailors run to and fro withContinue Reading

Sarah “Kitty” McLeod-Martinez is an artist who can usually be found where she works: Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon. When she’s not there or arting, she is probably hanging out with her wife or girlfriend, or trying to figure out which cord her cat has recently chewed through.Continue Reading

Eyepatch I have a lack of sight Upon my eye of right My lass knows this So on my left she’ll kiss Her lover just out of spite   Peg Leg There once was a captain named Stark Though Eileen was her nom de lark She limped, she waddled CauseContinue Reading

      Oaktea has always been in love with every aspect of a book–from the design to its contents, everything contributes to the experience. She started making comics for the all-in-one art and words combination, and eventually started working in bookstores to feed her voracious habit, as well asContinue Reading

Little stars we add to our puddings. Little motifs metallic on our tongues. We ask ourselves, do we ever need them? But without waiting for the answer, we get to the serious business of eating the whole galaxy up. The moon and the sun are not invaded yet in thisContinue Reading

I Need You Like I Need a Hole in the Sky There was suddenly a blackout ripped in the sky. I asked into it, What do you feel inside? The mouth about its hole crackled electricity. The clouds were afraid of it, the sky was afraid of it. I seeContinue Reading

Illustrations by Jowhara Mohammed The world stood still around Anya. and the cold numbness she feared overcame her as she saw Adrian ride toward her. She could barely feel Luca’s protective grip on her or hear Julia’s shouts as she ran to them. This can’t be happening, she thought. PanicContinue Reading