Letter from the Editors:

Dearest Readers,

Meow, woof, squeak! That’s just the animal way of saying wow we got a lot of great submissions. We could fill a zoo, but we wouldn’t because these stories shouldn’t be caged; they’re free-range!

Inside this issue you’ll find cats, deer, ducks, monkeys, chipmunks, fireflies, a whole assortment of birds, fish, dogs, and more! No(ah) one got more animals than us. Enjoy reading them to your own furry friends (animal or human).

Issue 12 is sure to bring surprises and maybe make you go, “Huh?” We’re moving from the extinct to the instinct, from what crawls under foot to what is afoot, from the family pet on a leash to crime-solving cats finding leads. It’s Mysteries!

Submit your mystery piece or pieces by February 28th (or will it be?). We look forward to solving them (or will we?).

Deep Overstock Editors

(Cover art: Kezia Rasmussen & Zuriel van Belle)

AJDSaved by Cats
Michael BaldwinGolden Eyes; Blackberry Epiphany
Sarah BartlettThe Cormorant; Or Was it Not a Koi
Arnold B. CabdriverThe We Hate Animals Club; A Small Group of Fishermen; We May Never Remove Our Masks around the Monkeys
Roger CampMenagerie, shop window, Paris; Pig & Cat, gallery window, Paris 8˚; Horse Sculpture Window, Paris
Yuan Changming Just Another Crow; Dytiscus Larvae: a Dramatic Scene; Frog Calls; Elegy to the Great Auk; Gongxifacai [묜毆랙꼿]: An Idiomatic Chinese Calendar
Mickey CollinsCat for Cole
Desiree DucharmeForest of Arden; Rescue
Lynette G. Esposito Leaving the Slaughterhouse; Black Birds in the Backyard; Early Evening
Esther FishmanDay 5: Chipmunks
Heather GloverStory of Sabi
Michal Goldstein The Bone
John GreyCousin in Florida
Ariel KusbyBlack Bird
Kellye McBride Hospital for Reanimated Pets
Walter Moon The Temp
Fabrice Poussin Keeper of the Realm; You Don’t Say; Nice Place
Bob Selcrosse The Deer
G Michael SmithHummingbird
Eric Thralby The Duck
Robert Torres Traumatic Indoctrination
Jonathan van Belle Kitty; Meow
Zuriel van Belle Marport
Z.B. WagmanFireflies
George White My Cat
Marlowe Whittenberg Gharial: A Riddle Poem
Nick Yandell The Golden Brown Dog


Editors-In-Chief: Mickey Collins & Robert Eversmann
Managing Editors: Ariel Kusby, Michael Santiago & Z.B. Wagman
Poetry: Ariel Kusby & Jihye Shin
Prose: Michael Santiago & Z.B. Wagman, A.G. Angevine