Stars & Stilettos by Timothy Arliss OBrien

Act 1: The Galactic Poet Laureate

Scene opens with a solitary figure standing center stage in front of the stage curtain, bathed in the soft glow of starlight. The closed stage curtain is a panoramic view of a vast, glittering cosmos, with distant galaxies and swirling nebulae.

Divina Stellars (taking a deep breath, addressing the audience):
Welcome, my darlings, to the infinite. Out here, in the deep dark black of space, amidst the swirling galaxies and shimmering stars, is where I found my true self. And where I became, quite unexpectedly, the Galactic Poet Laureate. But let me take you back, back, back to when it all began.

Divina exits behind the curtain.

Divina Stellars (narrating):
Tommy was just a kid from a small coastal town, fascinated by the ocean’s mysteries and the beauty of its hidden world. Every wave that crashed on the shore whispered secrets, and every tide pulled at his little heartstrings. But Tommy had another passion, one that flowed like an undercurrent through his life.

The curtain opens and the stage is set with a single spotlight focused center stage. A chair and a small table cluttered with notebooks and marine biology textbooks rest in the spotlight. Off to the side is a clothes rack littered with sequins, feathers, and fabrics. The background is dark with subtle hints of a glittering curtain. A beautiful queen, dressed in a glamorous yet understated outfit, enters the stage and takes a deep breath. She sits on the chair, facing the audience. Her name was Tommy, and this was her story.

Divina Stellars (reminiscing about her young self):

(With a youthful, tender voice)
I was just a kid, you know? A little boy with a big secret. Growing up in a small coastal town, where boys played with balls and girls played with dolls.
But me? I played with makeup, glitter, discounted prom gowns, and with words.

(Looking down at the notebook on the table. Picks up a notebook and holds it up into the light)
This notebook became my best friend. I wrote poems about the stars, about love, about dreams, and sometimes about boys. But the one thing I felt like I couldn’t write about was myself.

(Standing up, mimicking a more defensive stance)
“Why are you so different?” they’d ask. “Why don’t you act like a normal boy?” They didn’t understand that I was scared. Scared of their words. Scared of their fists. Scared of their rejection.

(She moves towards the audience, her voice growing stronger)
But then, one day, I found a poem. Not just any poem. A poem about beauty, strength, and about owning who you are. Those words were like magic, transforming my fear into courage. And my courage into words.

(She picks up the notebook, holding it close)
I started writing again. But this time, not just about stars and dreams and boys, but about my truth. About the boy who loved glitter and glam. About the boy who was destined to become a queen.

(Taking a deep breath, she puts down the notebook and begins to transform, shedding her plain outfit for a glamorous show stopping costume. Her voice starts embodying the strength of her drag persona)
And so, Tommy became Divina Stellars. The drag queen with a heart full of poetry and a spirit that shined brighter than any stage light.

(She mimics putting on makeup)
With every blend of blush, I wrote a new line of my story.
(She walks over to a clothes rack and throws on a boa and a feathered hat)
With every sequin and feather, I penned my triumphs and tribulations.
My poetry wasn’t just on paper anymore; it was in my every move, my every performance.

(Looking out to the audience with pride)
I faced homophobia head-on, not with fists, but with verses. My words cut through hatred like a hot knife through butter or a turkey carver through hip pads. And on stage, I found not only my voice. I found myself.

My words traveled far and wide, crossing borders, transcending languages. They spoke of the ocean’s plight, of the need to protect our beautiful blue planet, of the fight for LGBTQ rights. It was my mission to give a voice to the voiceless, to shine a light on the hidden corners of our world.

Drag. Drag was where I found my voice, my power. On stage, under the spotlight, I could be anything, anyone. I could be free. And it was through drag that I began to write—about love, about pain, about the beauty and fragility of our world.

And then, one day, the stars called. A message from the Galactic Federation, inviting me—me, a drag queen from Earth—to become the Galactic Poet Laureate. To travel the stars and spread my message across the cosmos.

A stagehand rushes on stage and puts a sash over Divina with writing on it saying Galactic Poet Laureate.

Divina picks up a model spaceship off the table and holds it into the light.

The Stardust, my little ship. She was as fabulous as I was. Together, we set off on a journey through the galaxy, visiting distant worlds and ancient civilizations. Each stop was a new adventure, a new audience to inspire. I traveled for 13 earth moon cycles. That’s about two and half years for you novice space cadets.

She steps forward, holding a book of poems.

And these are my stories, and the transformation of all the hate and anger in the universe into love, peace, and unity.

Divina Performs a lip sync to I Am Here by P!nk with the book in her hands pressed to her chest and raised to the sky.

(She holds the book of poetry up to the light and strikes a final pose, embodying the full confidence of Divina Stellars)
I am Divina Stellars. A queen. A poet. A survivor.
And this is my story, written in stardust and sealed with a kiss.

The spotlight fades to black as Divina Stellars holds her pose, the stage shimmering with the reflection from a disco ball.

Act 2: Across the Universe

Scene opens with Divina Stellars at stage left on a vibrant alien planet wearing an outfit just as vibrant and outlandish. Exotic flora and fauna surround her as she performs for a crowd of diverse extraterrestrial beings.

Divina Stellars:
Welcome, my beautiful cosmic creatures! Today, I bring you a tale of the deep blue sea, of coral reefs and bioluminescent wonders. But it’s more than just a story; it’s a call to action.

She begins to recite a poem, her voice filled with passion and urgency.

Divina Stellars (reciting):
On a faraway blue speck,
Where sunlight and moisture move breakneck,
Creating life of flora and fauna,
We find the setting for our first drama.

In the depths of oceans blue where sunlight fades,
Coral gardens we find brightly arrayed,
Whispers of a time now past,
Echoes of a world that is unfortunately fading fast.

We must protect these realms, so rich and so rare,
We have to guard them with an urgent tender care,
For every wave of aqua that gently rolls,
Carries the weight and the lives of countless souls.

Heed my warnings and embrace my hope
For that is the only way that life can continue to cope

The alien audience is visibly moved to cheers and applause.

(Divina Stellars steps to the front of the stage to address the audience)
And so, my message spread from planet to planet. Words that transcended species, resonating with the shared hope of a better future.

The scene transitions to stage right a high-tech conference room aboard the Stardust. Divina Stellars is turned with her back in discussion with a holographic projection of the Galactic Federation.

Galactic Federation:

Divina Stellars,

(Divina turns to the audience, points to herself)
Divina: That’s me!

Galactic Federation:
Your work has united billions across the galaxy. Your poetry is a beacon of hope. But there is much more to be done. Will you help us in the fight against the devastation of some of our worlds happening in the furthermost reaches of the andromeda galaxy?

Divina Stellars: (turning to somewhat face the audience.)
Absolutely. Let’s act now, before it’s too late. Let’s launch a universal initiative for environmental and sentient rights, powered by the arts and all of this gorgeous beauty.
Divina gestures towards herself.

The Counselor nods, and the hologram fades. Divina Stellars turns to face the audience.

And thus began one of my greatest challenges.
I grew up looking at the andromeda galaxy through my grandfather’s telescope, imagining it was a distant glowing bioluminescent squid, or a bright sapphire rhinestone glued right onto the nipple of the sky.
(Divina pulls away nipple pasties to reveal two big sapphires on her breasts.)

It took me three moon cycles to travel there by warpspeed. Once I got there we organized rallies, concerts, and poetry readings all across the galaxy. We harnessed the power of art to inspire change and we rallied support for the preservation of our worlds and the rights of all beings.

Divina steps to the other side of the stage to a massive rally on an alien planet. Thousands of beings from various species hold up glowing banners and signs with messages of unity and conservation.

Divina Stellars:

Clearing her throat dramatically
Greetings, intergalactic darlings! I come in peace, and with fabulous style, of course!

The aliens murmur among themselves, unsure.

Divina Stellars:

Striking a pose
Now, I know you’re wondering—who is this radiant creature before us?
Well, I am Divina Stellars, a drag queen and The Galactic Poet Laureate,

A stagehand rushes onto stage and puts the poet laureate sash on Divina.

And I am here to sprinkle some glitter on your galaxy and speak beautiful words of affirmation and hope!
For the time of division and aggression has come to an end and the time of unity and love is upon us!

The aliens exchange confused glances.

Divina Stellars:

Holds up her hand, palm out
Let’s talk about something truly universal: love, acceptance, and the right to to be beautiful, regardless of what planet you hail from!

One alien, a bright green blob, raises a tentacle.

Divina Stellars:
Yes little tentacled alien blob, do you have a question?

Alien Blob:
With a quizzical gurgle
Can we all be beautiful? Can we all be loved?

Divina Stellars: (Hearty Laugh)
Oh, honey darling beautiful blob creature,
Beauty is that twinkle in your eye, that sass in your step, the confidence that makes you feel like you could conquer the universe! And we can all achieve that by extending love to one another. No matter how different your tentacles or fur are from one another.

Alien Blob:
With a quizzical gurgle
These aren’t tentacles, this is a hat.

Divina Stellars:

Well, regardless That is a cute hat, I am going to have to get the hologram number for your haberdashery.

Look to the skies beautiful alien creatures
All sentient beings have been experiencing this disunity and uprising division.
But let me tell you a secret.

Leans in, stage whisper
We all shine brighter together.
Especially when we all love one another
And can see the beauty in every living creature.

She straightens, launching into a poetic monologue.

Divina Stellars:

In the vastness of the stars,
Every being, near and far,
Deserves to love, to laugh, to play,
In their own unique, queer way.

From galaxies to tiny moons,
We all can dance to our own tunes.
Different colors, shapes, and forms,
Embrace the love that truly warms.

So whether you’re a blob or star,
A dazzling queen or a creature seeming so bizarre,
Remember this, oh cosmic friends,
Unity is where hatred ends.

The aliens begin to nod, some clapping their tentacles together in appreciation.

Divina Stellars:

Bowing with flair
Let’s turn this galaxy into a runway of love and acceptance! Who’s with me?

The aliens cheer, lifting their appendages high.

Divina Stellars:
Laughing joyously
That’s the spirit! Now, who’s ready to dance and work this runway like no asteroid is watching?

Music starts playing, and Divina Stellars operforms for the aliens a fabulous lip sync to Weapons by Ava Max, twirling and laughing, bridging worlds with style and grace.

Divina Stellars:
Steps forward to address the audience.

From the depths of the oceans to the furthest reaches of space, I fought, with beauty and love. And slowly, change began to take root. Governments listened, local agencies and commissions were held accountable, and communities came together like never before.

Third Act: “The Galactic Peace Mission”

Scene opens with Divina Stellars, the Galactic Poet Laureate, standing on her ship as before in front of a hologram of the Galactic Federation.

Galactic Federation:
(With a serious tone)
Divina Stellars, we need your help. A division rages at the edge of the Milky Way against the Andromeda galaxy. To bring unity, you must retrieve the Flute of Peace and the Glockenspiel of Love from a desolate, dreary planet.

Divina Stellars:
(Flipping her hair dramatically)
Darling, you had me at “Glockenspiel.”
What’s life without a little adventure and a fabulous little musical accessory?

The council nods, somewhat confused but optimistic

Council Leader:
(With a serious tone)
But be warned Divina,
This planet is dark, isolated, and dreary. Anyone that travels there falls into an emotional spiral and is overcome with their deepest darkest depressions.

Divina Stellars:
You know, depression tried to take me down once, but I said, ‘Honey, you picked the wrong queen! I’m too funny and fabulous to flop and frown!’

Council Leader:
Safe travels beautiful poet, and may all the love and peace you have spread during your reign be with you now more than ever.

Divina Exits the Stage

Scene shifts to the desolate planet. The landscape is gray and gloomy, a stark contrast to Divina Stellars’s vibrant outfit. She steps cautiously, the weight of the planet’s oppressive aura visible.

Divina Stellars:
You know, darlings, when the Galactic Federation mentioned a “desolate” planet, I thought, “How bad could it be?” But this place? It’s like a bar with no drag show: no sequins or glitter in sight! This planet needs a new coat of makeup and some bigger lashes!

Pauses, taking a deep breath.

Truth is, I’m scared. This planet pulls you into a pit of gloom, like the time I wore a beige outfit to brunch—no sparkle, no life.
It reminds me of my past, those days when I thought the world was too dark to handle a queen like me.

I’m desperately trying to remember why I do this. If I can bring a little light, a little love, even here, then maybe, just maybe, we can turn this planet into a runway for all things beautiful.

So, I’ll face my fears, armed with my stilettos and sass, because nothing can dull the shine of a true queen! Now these magical musical instruments must be around here somewhere.

Divina ventures further onto stage looking for the magical artiface.
Holding her arms out, theatrically

Divina Stellars:
Honestly, this place makes my ex’s apartment look like a tropical paradise!

This place could use a serious makeover. I’m thinking disco balls and neon lights!

As she explores, she experiences flashbacks of her childhood, hearing echoes of homophobic remarks.

Echoing cruel words “Why are you so different? You don’t belong!”
“You’ll never be a real man!” “You’re a weak sissy!” “Why can’t you just be normal?”

Divina Stellars:
Pausing, taking a deep breath
Oh no, the pain and anguish from my childhood feels all too near once again.

More voices echo around her mimicking all the hate and ugly words that were spoken to her as a child growing up.

Divina Stellars:
I’m not quite feeling like myself anymore.

The lights around her flash as she transforms into a monochrome outfit, shedding the color she had been wearing.

shadows start dancing around her

Divina Stellars:
Oh no! My color! I don’t know if I can go on!
If only I could remember joy, like the time my last boyfriend took me to zoo and we got fresh behind the ornithology house. Or the time that fashion atelier house reached out to me to custom design a gown as matte black as the sky with thousands of starlike rhinestones.

Divina Pauses

Or the time I was awarded a grant from the Oregon Arts Commision and performed new genre breaking music at The Clinton Street Theater, at First Christian Church in Eugene, and at the New Music Gathering at Lincoln Hall.

The shadows around her dissipate, the murmuring voices fade away, and at the corner of the stage in a small cave there is a small treasure chest that starts to shimmer and glow.

Divina Stellars:
My memories! The joy I hold in my chest from days past is breaking the curse!
And Look! There is something shining and beautiful! Is it a rhinestone gown? Lasers and lights from a disco ball?
Divina rushes to the chest:
Oh, it’s just an old treasure chest.
Maybe it has some new wigs in it!

She opens the chest and pulls out the Flute of Peace and the Glockenspiel of Love

Divina Stellars: holding the instruments into the light
Who knew peace and love were hidden away in such a dark desolate place?
We need to get this out into the world and share their beautiful sounds with everyone!

Divina plays a melody on the flute of peace and color starts to come to the stage.
Then she plays a few notes on the glockenspiel and the stage bursts forth in color and music.
Divina transforms into a vibrantly colored dress and hair.

Divina Stellars:
I broke the curse! I must call the Galactic Federation and tell them. But first we have to celebrate!

Divina begins to lip sync to Let There Be Love by Christian Aguilera to celebrate breaking the curse.

Divina Stellars:
There’s always time for a celebratory lip sync,
Now lots go spread this peace and love!

Divina rushes off the stage.

Scene transitions to the conflict of andromeda against the milky way. Divina Stellars stands between the two alien armies, both sides poised for battle.

Divina Stellars:
I am Divina Stellars, Named The Galactic Poet Laureate by the Galactic Federation.
Stage hand rushes on stage and puts the poet laureate sash on Divina.
Listen to my words, and take in the music of peace and unity.

The crowds grow quiet, and the lights focus on Divina.

She raises the Flute of Peace to her lips, playing a soothing melody.

Divina Stellars:
In the vastness of the sky,
We all have a reason to fly.
Different colors, shapes, and dreams,
Together we are brighter than all these divisive schemes.

Set aside the fear and hate,
It is love that makes us great.
Embrace each soul, unique and rare,
And create a universe that thrives for all with care.

Hand in hand, let’s stand as one,
As an age of unity has begun.
Celebrate what makes us free,
In unity we will find our peace and harmony.

Divina plays from the glockenspiel of love

The Galactic Federation projects as a hologram onto the back of the stage

The Galactic Federation:
You did it Divina!
You did it!
You brought peace and unity to the galaxy with your words and with your music!

Divina Stellars:
Oh, honey, you’d be surprised what a little music and love can do!
Winking, then playing the Glockenspiel of Love, adding a playful rhythm

Listen up, cosmic cuties! We’re all stardust, floating in this vast universe.
Is this really how we want to spend our precious time?
Fighting when we could be dancing?

The aliens and the federation cheer.

We’ve all got our battles, but the real strength lies in unity and acceptance.
Let’s trade in our hate and judgment for some fabulous bling, and a dance party where all are welcome!

Galactic Federation:
Yeah, we love a dance party!

Divina Stellars:

Triumphant, addressing the crowd
Remember, love conquers all! Now, who’s ready for a cosmic dance party?

Divina plays the glockenspiel again, and the music spreads into a joyful celebration, with Divina celebrating with a joyful lip sync to Magic by Kylie Minogue.

The scene ends with Divina Stellars in the center, the galaxies united in peace, as she looks up at the stars.

Divina Stellars:
With a wink
Another day, another galaxy was saved. Now, where’s my next adventure?

Curtain falls as the stage glimmers with newfound hope and unity.

Finale: a postlogue

Divina Stellars comes out in front of the curtain, looking up at the stars in a beautiful evening gown, mounds of expensive jewelry, and her poet laureate sash.

Divina Stellars:
My journey through the stars has taught me that we are all connected. Every life, every world, is a thread in the vast tapestry of the universe. And it is our duty to protect and cherish each and every one.
She begins to recite another poem, her voice soft but filled with determination.

Divina Stellars (reciting):
From stardust we are born anew,
A cosmic dance in endless blue,
Together, we must find our way,
To brighter nights and clearer days.

And as the Galactic Poet Laureate,
Divina is already wearing her poet laureate sash but a stagehand rushes out anyway
Divina waves him back off stage
I promise I will continue to use my voice, and my art, to inspire and to fight for what is right. For the oceans of Earth, for the beauty of our universe, and for the rights of every living being.

So, my darlings, as you go forth into your own lives, remember this:
Your voice matters. Your actions matter. And your words matter.
Together, we can create a future where love, beauty, and justice reign supreme.
From the depths of the oceans to the furthest stars, we are all connected.
And we are all responsible for the world we leave behind.

The spotlight fades, leaving only the glow of the stars.

Divina Stellars (voiceover):
Thank you, my beautiful stars, for sharing this journey with me. Let’s make our universe a masterpiece.

End of play.

Timothy Arliss OBrien (he/they) is an interdisciplinary artist in music composition, writing, and visual art. He has premiered music from opera to film scores to electronic ambient projects. He has published several books of poetry, (The Queer Revolt, The Art of Learning to Fly, & Happy LGBTQ Wrath Month), and is a poetry editor for Deep Overstock, a judge for Reedsy Prompts, and a poetry reader for Okay Donkey. He also founded the podcast & small press publishing house, The Poet Heroic, and the digital magic space The Healers Coven. He also showcases his psychedelic makeup skills as the phenomenal drag queen Tabitha Acidz.

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