What do your dreams tell you? – Joan Mazza

Last night my ex-husband was with me,
very much alive and still my ally.
A young man has come to live with us

as helper, gardener, cleaner
and my ex accepts him without fear.
I’ve just adopted a black lab puppy

who gets along fine with my cats.
I walk home from Boca Raton to my
Ft. Lauderdale house without pain.

My dreams tell me what I want
to hear, that nothing is impossible,
especially everything that is.

Joan Mazza is a retired medical microbiologist and psychotherapist, and taught workshops focused on understanding dreams and nightmares. She is the author of six self-help psychology books, including Dreaming Your Real Self. Her poetry has appeared in Crab Orchard Review, Prairie Schooner, Slant, Poet Lore, The Nation, and other publications. She lives in rural central Virginia.

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