Survival Guide for Mortals Trapped in 2022 – Clarissa Grunwald

Be careful to whom you tell your true name.
Mind how the time moves–
one hour on Instagram is three in the real world.
Don’t leave the path. Always ask for the price.
Then, ask again, just to be sure.
If you meet a man with the head of an ass,
leave Twitter as quickly as you politely can.
Where the maze burrows towards the future,
two brothers stand, guarding the exit. Remember:
Both can lie, or tell the truth.
This is not a riddle. Choose kindly,
and reach for a door.

Clarissa Grunwald is a librarian at Elizabethtown College. She has previously been published in Jet Fuel Review and Drunk Monkeys. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys playing viola and pen & paper RPGs.

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