Honeysuckles – Alshaad Kara

Drink from that honeypot,
Let my sorrow dwarf in liquidity…

She loves us whilst I try desperately to look for other bees,
What a drone’s heart in a male bee!

Drink that honeydew,
That worker bee loved us still she went to other honeysuckles,
She breached you, my heart, with flames of turmeric!

I would finish that honeycomb,
Another round of orange squashes!

She and I decided to wander off,
Blooming in the flattering puzzled marmalade,

These bees keepings are ours,
Set them free,
Watch them depart to fizzle…

Alshaad Kara is a poet who writes from his heart. His poems were published in an anthology, “PS: It’s Still Poetry – An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry from Around the World” and a journal, “The Suburban Review Issue #25: Juice”.

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