Little stars
we add to our puddings.
Little motifs
metallic on our tongues.
We ask ourselves,
do we ever need them?
But without waiting
for the answer,
we get to the serious business of
eating the whole galaxy up.
The moon and the sun
are not invaded yet
in this sugary sweet soup.
We need them
in our next trip
around the earth
as sightseeing materials
to boggle
the charisma
of the journey.
Halfway through the bowl,
we ask ourselves,
should we have made
chocolate bars, instead,
in which little earthquakes
of queasy pistachio or hazelnut trees
serve as mouth filling regiments
of savor and delight?
But we say no to that.
We are not little children after all—
at least we are not supposed
to be little ones,
though we are
and will always be children.
We will not be fooled
by some bars of chocolate
to be carried
in our pockets.
We will dip
into our bowls,
take mouthfuls,
and find ecstasy
in the jelly like structure
of the edible thing.
A bar of chocolate
or even a huge box of them
cannot ever be compared
to this delicious boat,
to be palmed,
to be drunk from,
to be licked,
and most importantly
to be filled again
whenever emptied.
No bee can do this or no box.
Only for this reason
we are fond of puddings
whether virgin or universe spiced.
Our puddings last
till daytime
and our ecstasies, too.
Ayşe Tekşen lives in Ankara, Turkey where she works as a research assistant
at the Department of Foreign Language Education, Middle East Technical
University. Her work has been included in Gravel, After the Pause, The
Write Launch, Uut Poetry, The Fiction Pool, What Rough Beast, Scarlet Leaf
Review, Seshat, Neologism Poetry Journal, Anapest, Red Weather, Ohio
Edit, SWWIM Every Day, The Paragon Journal, Arcturus, Constellations,
the Same, The Mystic Blue Review, Jaffat El Aqlam, Brickplight, Willow,
Fearsome Critters, Susan, The Broke Bohemian, The Remembered Arts
Journal, Terror House Magazine, and Dash. Her work has also appeared or
is forthcoming in Straylight, Lavender Review, Shoe Music Press, and Havik:
Las Positas College Anthology.