The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.An evil soul producing holy witnessIs like a villain with a smiling cheek. . . . Antonio in The Merchant of Venice Study history and see the way partisans associate rivals with the devil and themselves always with the divine. They can proclaimContinue Reading

Repeated lines are from Cordelia in King Lear by William Shakespeare Time shall unfold what plaited cunning hides. Ask Richard Nixon, “Who erased the tape?” Who cover faults, at last shame them derides. They’re often drowned by elemental tides while telling lies to make a clean escape. Time shall unfoldContinue Reading

Who will believe thee, Isabel? ~ Angelo in Measure for Measure, by William Shakespeare It is the fate of Woman tHat few blame a man if One seduces her. When her belly expands even due to rape, It’s true— some say she tempted the Lout untiL he gave in. SheContinue Reading