After W. B. Yeats In the dim coming times, vaccines won’t holdagainst the waves of milky greenish foambourne by ill birds, cattle and swine,and some will succumb to the mutating thing.Flesh will rot and fall away, soullesseyes burn hollow and gray, spoiled milk where oncefish swam. Gnawing hunger will raiseContinue Reading

The last of King Arthur’s knightstook the sword Excalibur by the hiltand hurled it back into the lake.The Sword formed an elegant arcas it flew through the midnight sky.Its jewelled hilt flashed in the lightof the ghostly, pale winter moon.Rubies, diamonds, emeralds, pearlsshone and glittered, challenging the starswhich so brightlyContinue Reading

Because he still waits for you, thereRight over there, right beside youHe still waits for you, if you ever need him Like the whispers you wereever meant to hear, he triedto bring it close to you You surely haven’t forgotten when hebraided your hair for that first date andcomforted youContinue Reading

So there I was in the sixof swords, being ferried acrossa dusky river to an uncertain shore. Who was this child by my side?And whose itchy cloak covered my head?Sudden winds sprang up, drove us downstream, brisk waves spitting,spraying, knocking the six stiffswords, one by one, out of the boatContinue Reading