Once upon a mountaintopabove the cloudy seaswith burning jewels, wind-woven chantsand scent of sun-glad treesa child discerned her destiny. And so she descended the granite slopesto a cottage small and remotewhere humble parents with bent, gray headsclad her in linen and wooltaught her to garden and watched her grow. AContinue Reading

discoveredstars were buttons.If a human could reach them,the world would change. The sky remains brightwith eyesthat blink a known reality of beautyuntouched by manwho in his ignorance, is filledwith a wild passionto change everything. Lynette G. Esposito, MA Rutgers, has been published in Poetry Quarterly, North of Oxford, Twin Decades,Continue Reading

Ryan Kim is a high school art student based in South Korea. Drawing inspiration from his cultural heritage and the dynamic environment of his surroundings, Ryan explores themes of identity, tradition, and modernity through his artwork. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, he seeks toContinue Reading

After W. B. Yeats In the dim coming times, vaccines won’t holdagainst the waves of milky greenish foambourne by ill birds, cattle and swine,and some will succumb to the mutating thing.Flesh will rot and fall away, soullesseyes burn hollow and gray, spoiled milk where oncefish swam. Gnawing hunger will raiseContinue Reading