Yoon Park is a dynamic high school student enrolled at an international school in Seoul, South Korea. She channels her creative energy into writing and visual art and finds joy in expressing herself through these mediums. Additionally, she has a passion for music and spends her spare time playing theContinue Reading

Bella always thought that vampires were supposed to be sexy, at least that was how all of her books described them. The pale man in dark clothes and a cape currently raiding her kitchen was decidedly not sexy at all. Bella had originally come downstairs for a glass of water,Continue Reading

for Mallarmé From the grand fountainOf fonts and gilded calligraphiesUncial and Old EnglishItalic and the irrepressiblyFecund BatardeFrolics forth the letter FMy favorite scriven as a schoolgirlFor it was foliate with serifs as a forestFraught as wrought ironAs the fauna and floraWho flock to and flummoxThe four-letter faultlineResonant as well withContinue Reading

No one had lived there for two or three years, the landlady said. But her placenta was buried in the front yard, under a slow-dying fig tree, and the baby who was once attached to the landlady through the placenta was born in the bathtub. The landlady was skinny andContinue Reading