I felt itsomewhere behindmy eyeswhen I wokeup that I’d be lateto work.I had a bad dream –I’ve beenhaving bad dreamsthe past few nights,but in this oneI was aloneand confused. When I wokeup I also felt aloneand confusedbut then I movedmy foot slightlyand I felt Sarah’s calf,warmand firmand still. Whenshe wokeupContinue Reading

She looked up from her book, her eyes pulled like a magnet to the red-feathered black fedora.Grandpa had worn a dark gray one, much the same. She smiled and looked back to her story but she had lost her taste for its banality in contrast to the memory of Grandpa’sContinue Reading

i am waiting for changeas the bells of the abbey blow across centuries/as smoke fills the nostrils/as lake ontario rolls over and plays dead/ i am waiting to make a telephone callwith a dime that will never workand still not understanding how wiresspank the sky/how any mountain willnever fall down/howContinue Reading

“Homeless”your sign says,pointed at me,your home five years previously. I swear the floors have never been the same since you left.No matter how hard I scrub the decomp stains cling to the old wood. When I was Katie, you made her your home.You changed her tiling, her lighting, her fixtures.IContinue Reading

so i have found out,eyes drenched arenothing morebut soft interruptionsin sorrow. andi am avacant shoutfrom the breathof a mountain;skin pulled tightover weathered rock,over gasps of wind.and in puffs of rain,like cancer digginga tree’s roots,i am never-ending. i’m sick to deathof the adolescents’ hormones:the world’sreasons for staying in robes;its religion spillingContinue Reading

Dear Emmanuella,I just put the baby down for his nap and had to write to you right away. What you must be feeling, trapped on that leaking pirate ship with all those rats and bad food – and Cole so far away from you! Not to mention the pirate leaderContinue Reading