The story appeared in the magazine’s Personal Experience column. George always read the column’s first paragraph, then picked out a middle paragraph, and finally read the last paragraph. If he wasn’t too busy and there were enough potato chips left in the bag, he’d read the remaining inside paragraphs, inContinue Reading

Our swing set is regarded with awe by the entire neighborhood – a country neighborhood with five-acre lots and dairy farms. The swing set is an enormous structure whose concrete footers are as solid as the steel plant where my father, an engineer, manages the laborers who work in theContinue Reading

On a rickety dock that juts out into an Adirondack lake, my father, a big man, turns around so abruptly that he bumps me into the cold water, and I’m face down and so fascinated with the sand that I don’t think to breathe. I’m three years-old, and the lakeContinue Reading