Once upon a time,the sun turned its cheek to a bright red.It blushed,and with it the glimmer of sunlight disappeared.The stream kept flowing,even though there is no one to shine against its hard work. After tireless more twirls of the sun,the stream was rewarded with the most majestic creature;a dragon.DespiteContinue Reading

Summer: a sticky day that melts the old pagesoff the flimsy, withering leather booksin the Lynchburg Public Library. A season wherethe only refuge –the air conditioned hallways.Inside: a child scurries to the counter,holding a pile of children’s books,lopsided and of a multitude of shapes and sizes. Like childrens’books are.The stackContinue Reading

The sun rises from the East.Time passes with every second and makes up a day.We like to rely on what we seeand pretendto understand where we are.Stars shine bright in the sky like specks of dust.Spots light up,and galaxies swirl like a kindergarten girl being chasedaround the playground.The orbs makeContinue Reading