Rank towers of rholoub look drained,snap to the touch, a cigarette-stain yellow;but, like lambs that love their own slaughter,fat threbolds are sucked in by the saucy, heady blooms. On steamy afternoons, I find those threboldshalf-comatose but still sucking on petal blur,passionately sipping the violet blood,feet stuck in place, copper eyesContinue Reading

Our sun was dying.Most of us stayed behindto slowly die with it.But a few booked passageon space ships,with no particular destination,no plan in mind,other to extend our livesin relative comfort,for as long as our fuel lasted. That we have landed hereis sheer happenstance.We are not tourists.We are not an invadingContinue Reading

Don’t let an imploding star as seen through some mega-lens telescope worry you for our ancient fiery orb. Your words are measured by a sputter of hydrogen, the treason of nitrogen, the unwillingness of breathable air to stick around when suns give up the flaming ghost. Your ideas, even onContinue Reading

You say it’s just a phony menace, these alligators on the banks of the backyard stream, slowly warming their somber blood in late afternoon sunshine We are as safe as if they were butterflies or deer or even children splashing in that slow curdle of water. There is enough fishContinue Reading