An Evocation of Elizabethan Drama We look in the world’s eyeto ask if we are so wise now.When all is not well words dare not failto be the questions that answer allthe world will ask of doubt and shame.Our will is articulatein finding the meaningof a balance of possibilities.We winceContinue Reading

An Evocation of Herman Melville I seek to speak all I knowof my life at close quartersin the ocean’s experience,having sailed its heartless swell,its dark night of the deepseven in the sight of landand there the peaceable bounty. My flesh is frost-witheredin cheerless chill deadening.I feel my heart’s hungerthat eatsContinue Reading

An Evocation of the T’Ang Dynasty The leaves have fallen early this year.Butterflies are pale and move slowly now.The reeds reflect the water,a blue shade neither sea nor sky.The wind from the east brings rainin clouds covering the whole earth.At the water’s edge the willows lamentthe passing of the seasonsfromContinue Reading