swirls of brown sugar, lumpy soup,golden pools of butter. no, you say, no!not this! the fireside, the cold walk to school.have you got everything? just gimme a granola bar. the warm, sweet glue.spooning it up. raisins.sticky spoon, residue of gumin the blue bowl. look, not even the cat will eatContinue Reading

Simmer peanut butter and honey. Hum the yum of flavors the way you hum her swayin a black dress. Mince the onions and garlic. Remember her smile as smooth as ginger when you sautéand salt. You spin-in cinnamon. How sweet her lips. Curry-in the turmeric. Spice the cayenne—aliveas the wetContinue Reading

The Ramen Shop was near closing when a young man walked in. Though 20 minutes before the posted time, Grace had never had a problem kicking people out early, or opening late for that matter. If anyone ever asked her about whether she lost customers for her erratic hours, she’dContinue Reading

While outside it’s raining, and sleeting and freezing,inside my crockpot is bubbling with fragrant stew,offering me generous comfort and companionship,embracing the entire house with its delicious aroma oftasty promise, a guarantee of sorts against thecold and hunger,hunger for food to comfort my body,hunger for food to feed my soul withculinaryContinue Reading