No one had lived there for two or three years, the landlady said. But her placenta was buried in the front yard, under a slow-dying fig tree, and the baby who was once attached to the landlady through the placenta was born in the bathtub. The landlady was skinny andContinue Reading

The morning alarm that pierced my eardrums should have jolted me awake and sent me rocketing out from the covers. Instead, I rose like the dead and groaned about the unfortunate early hour. Lynn was absent from our bed. But the smell of coffee and something burning told me sheContinue Reading

Ryan Kim is a high school art student based in South Korea. Drawing inspiration from his cultural heritage and the dynamic environment of his surroundings, Ryan explores themes of identity, tradition, and modernity through his artwork. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, he seeks toContinue Reading

Rescue the motherand her shivering catfrom the porch of the nursing homeBeware of cannibalsmeeting in caves You are going toneed help with themCross the bridge single-file Come to realizethat’s no dog in the kennelIt’s a skunk And those patchesof light in the forest?They’re pieces of skin Marianne Taylor is aContinue Reading