Because he still waits for you, thereRight over there, right beside youHe still waits for you, if you ever need him Like the whispers you wereever meant to hear, he triedto bring it close to you You surely haven’t forgotten when hebraided your hair for that first date andcomforted youContinue Reading

your eyes are closed butyou still feel the light and you wonder what will bite fromwithin the dark portals. water flows through the portals andyou ride it in into the beyond which is rough and choppy butthrilling and splashy too. you see the other shore so you climband you feelContinue Reading

In the half-light I saw them first:galloping through strands of grey mistwhich drifted wraith-like across the fields,their hooves leaving light imprintson the cushioned grass. Their chiselled white heads, disembodiedfloated past in the growing gloomas if propelled by some strange force.Their white manes mingled with the mist,like drifts of snow floatingContinue Reading

A yellow butterfly flew across my room.She hovered over a vast leaf on my plant,arched body smooth like soft silk,Like the slope of a mountain blossoming.Her wings are paper like,fragile like dried leavesthat will not rise from their fall.She fluttered towards me,but every movement was a strain.Was this an entreaty,Continue Reading

“You’re living in a fantasy”. My whole life that’s what they’ve told me.“You’re just that head in the clouds type, who inhales dreams, like they’re something of substance.Who laughs to oneself and laughs out loud. Whose reckless eyes are stigmatized, as an unstable amalgamation of restless energy and immersive introspection.”TheyContinue Reading

Rank towers of rholoub look drained,snap to the touch, a cigarette-stain yellow;but, like lambs that love their own slaughter,fat threbolds are sucked in by the saucy, heady blooms. On steamy afternoons, I find those threboldshalf-comatose but still sucking on petal blur,passionately sipping the violet blood,feet stuck in place, copper eyesContinue Reading

Sean Kyung is currently attending an international school in the vibrant city of Seoul, South Korea. His ardent pursuit lies in creating an impressive art portfolio for university admissions.Continue Reading

Our sun was dying.Most of us stayed behindto slowly die with it.But a few booked passageon space ships,with no particular destination,no plan in mind,other to extend our livesin relative comfort,for as long as our fuel lasted. That we have landed hereis sheer happenstance.We are not tourists.We are not an invadingContinue Reading

Maroon red, lilac purple, amber gold.Aurora colors on the swooping wingsOf fragile butterflies. It jumps from leafTo leaf and flashes its grand wings to watchers.A beautiful bright view, the watchers say. If only their eyes shifted to the side:A moth with dull greyed wings sits on a wall.It is theContinue Reading

Many have questioned,in dream and in trance,Whence the first woman, whence the first man,Whence came the people, who live on this land? Fated humans sprang from Ash and from Elm.Hard and soft driftwood, of little worth,tested by the older-gods at birth,opposites joined, together ignite. The Mother gave them the breathContinue Reading