An Evocation of the T’Ang Dynasty The leaves have fallen early this year.Butterflies are pale and move slowly now.The reeds reflect the water,a blue shade neither sea nor sky.The wind from the east brings rainin clouds covering the whole earth.At the water’s edge the willows lamentthe passing of the seasonsfromContinue Reading

“At last a deed worth doing. I say there is beauty in this….” Henrik Ibsen, Hedda Gabler Hedda, we misunderstood you,saw a monster embodyingthe Seven Deadlies,a remorseless disrupter,deceptive and cruel,eluding boredom, inflictingpain. But your handsome faceand warrior heart weren’tsensible gear for your day. Were you a goddess, we’d expectthe flirtingContinue Reading

MANUS Needlework in Letterpress Ps Smithereened glass.Scalp. Gore And Qs. Footprints muck-upOn P.E. kit. Stockpiled bales. Sill. LUKE Lady Penelope Viscous feed Suitcase vacuumed.Bobs arm. Into jardinière. Passport thumbed.Sputnik chair Gust throughRustles. Unfastened sash. HERBERT Heroism inked. Pyramid of Foozled call.Vainglory in. Tins. Customer Sudoku puzzle.Speech bubbles. Directions. ALBERTINE PoodleContinue Reading

An Evocation of Elizabethan Drama We look in the world’s eyeto ask if we are so wise now.When all is not well words dare not failto be the questions that answer allthe world will ask of doubt and shame.Our will is articulatein finding the meaningof a balance of possibilities.We winceContinue Reading

Your gaze speaksto my own deep iceNot sentimentmore elementalunsettling Perhaps we metin a sculptor’s studioHe shaped my shoulders, necklabored on my breastsYou watchedenigma eyes insetbeard unchiseled How long did we stare?Were we modeledfor common patronsbut cast as amorousgods, to please–my arms, AphroditeAres, your brow Surely we restedin velvet dirt, yourContinue Reading