Space exploration has ended. We’ve reached the end. Space is not infinitely expanding, though at one point we did think that. Space does have an end. I should know, I live there. I stretch out and my hands bump into the ceiling. This isn’t all that surprising; they said IContinue Reading

Mothers love astronaut boys. They salute their boys and button their shirts. These boys choosing these hard vacuums of space. These boys choosing beyond any reaches or limits. These boys choosing “space camp.”  “Space camp” is a lie. There is no “space camp.” There is only the abandoned rotten-walled houseContinue Reading

xx I want to stare at you, lock tractor beams. Drinking coffee. Leaning back occasionally. Staring at the control panels buried in the other. I want some kind of ship with a little incentive, the headless body of a hard work – a small locker containing movement, a slot onContinue Reading

      :^) Who? Abbey St. John is a graphic artist, illustrator and printmaker currently working in Portland, Oregon. Abbey is inspired by knickknacks, dynamic figures, and picture riddles. Her work aims to tell you a story, teach you something new, change the way you think, be a partContinue Reading

If you grew up in a neighborhood like mine—a neighborhood with broken concrete sidewalks and huge tropical trees—summer afternoons were spent outside, under the carport of your house, if you were lucky to have one. It didn’t matter if the weather had been sufficiently pleasant (it was never pleasant inContinue Reading

She is the space oddity hurtling through the weekend of a full eclipse   She lingers in the aisles: strange energy in her wake uses crying-emoji lip balm to express the loss of a child— I should be wary, but am fascinated by the rounded, yellow case and blue pictotears,Continue Reading

I. fallen following countless gourds filled from maddening, leaden pipe the frenetic fiddle, their outro a perfect civilization, destroyed a perfect civilization, began with a boy, Romulus sent to end what he began in a different iteration the she-wolf’s milk, soured centuries ago II. in the final frontier, (in outerContinue Reading

Hello, likely investors, my informal and non-numerical name is Rilbon Ril Bob Bon, and I will be your happiest guide to the next earth half hour of insert positive emotion. A little-known truth is this: is this: Excelleq Time, Inc. owns every antiquity in Sol-Sys. “Owns” is a green simplificationContinue Reading