Seasons are changing Temperatures dropping The last stick of incense burns on my altar Smoke fills the room slowly Like a spell But this story isn’t about magic But bodies My body A cave to my hibernation Insecurity floating toward balance My hair growing out I am growing out OfContinue Reading

By day I spend my time like any regular human would. I have a dead-end job (that makes me feel so normal), a small apartment and I might be able to adopt a cat if I can manage not to…anyway, by night I sing at a local bar. It’s suchContinue Reading

A new job, a new journal. If found please bring this journal to the police, for it means I have been killed by less than normal means. Through my sources, I heard there were some missing people in a small town. People no one would care about in a dead-endContinue Reading

We left town just before the riots.   The TV eyes, big and red but discreetly placed, caught it all:   Tear gas and faulty fasteners.   In that little village of longer shadows and taller trees,   we hid. We disguised ourselves   as Madame Hydra and Ego theContinue Reading

      Piers Rippey is all about dogs these days. He draws dogs, thinks about dogs, walks dogs. He is a bookseller at Powell’s City of Books where he helps run the Purple, Red and Pearl rooms.Continue Reading

SOMEONE SAID TO A GIRL I KNEW ONCE, ask Father McDowell to help you and he will. Go on, ask him. Father Holden McDowell. Father Holden McDowell. You know, the young priest from Theology 1301? Him. The hot one. One summer, long ago, I stripped off a grey sweatshirt withContinue Reading

I wasn’t there. But from what Violet told me and what I have dreamed and seen since knowing her, I can imagine it carefully (but completely) and I think it was something like this… Violet, just ten then, small and pale in the restless shadows of her suburban bedroom, tremblingContinue Reading

“Of course, I bit you. What did you think was going to happen? Satan’s bifurcated cock! I told you what I am. Feeding on and corrupting the living is what I do. I don’t want to be your boyfriend or your sugar daddy. I’m not some slicked-haired, business-suited douchebag thatContinue Reading

Soft leaves draped over clusters of long, brown seedpods. Thick spikes sprouted right from the trunk, some as long as my arm. I slipped my hand between these thorns and touched the bark. “What is this,” my friend Bird breathed, pulling loose a seedpod. She cracked it open; inside wasContinue Reading