In the half-light I saw them first:galloping through strands of grey mistwhich drifted wraith-like across the fields,their hooves leaving light imprintson the cushioned grass. Their chiselled white heads, disembodiedfloated past in the growing gloomas if propelled by some strange force.Their white manes mingled with the mist,like drifts of snow floatingContinue Reading

Bella always thought that vampires were supposed to be sexy, at least that was how all of her books described them. The pale man in dark clothes and a cape currently raiding her kitchen was decidedly not sexy at all. Bella had originally come downstairs for a glass of water,Continue Reading

It’s a Thursday in Novemberwhen the robot spits out the poem.Of course it’s written poems before,reams of them, but they were terrible,full of silly rhymes and clichésand bland, repetitious sentimentslike fourth-rate greeting cards. But this poem is a masterpiece,with crisp language and metaphorsthat are deep without being arcane.It can appealContinue Reading

Because he still waits for you, thereRight over there, right beside youHe still waits for you, if you ever need him Like the whispers you wereever meant to hear, he triedto bring it close to you You surely haven’t forgotten when hebraided your hair for that first date andcomforted youContinue Reading

Rescue the motherand her shivering catfrom the porch of the nursing homeBeware of cannibalsmeeting in caves You are going toneed help with themCross the bridge single-file Come to realizethat’s no dog in the kennelIt’s a skunk And those patchesof light in the forest?They’re pieces of skin Marianne Taylor is aContinue Reading

Once upon a time,the sun turned its cheek to a bright red.It blushed,and with it the glimmer of sunlight disappeared.The stream kept flowing,even though there is no one to shine against its hard work. After tireless more twirls of the sun,the stream was rewarded with the most majestic creature;a dragon.DespiteContinue Reading

Brian Park is a ninth-grade student attending high school in Massachusetts with a passion for visual arts. Brian’s art portfolio encompasses a range of mediums and styles, reflecting his diverse interests and inspirations. Outside of his artistic pursuits, Brian enjoys exploring nature, reading, and spending time with friends and family.Continue Reading

from a report dated Thursday, March 20, 1355 (after Vespers) And then one astrologerone past night discovered a starbirth another star that grewto part the clouds, spin, and dropbeyond the village swamp: “I found nothing therewith smoke plumeing outof nothing above me. Somethingbarbaric bleated or shriekedas I whimpered my riteContinue Reading

I held up a man stronger than myself & carried both of us to a strange river forked in a hidden forest / he called out my name while looking past my face & into the black satin sky that stretched from behind the trees / neither of us hailedContinue Reading

Ryan Kim is a high school art student based in South Korea. Drawing inspiration from his cultural heritage and the dynamic environment of his surroundings, Ryan explores themes of identity, tradition, and modernity through his artwork. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, he seeks toContinue Reading