The Return of Excalibur by Sarah Das Gupta

The last of King Arthur’s knights
took the sword Excalibur by the hilt
and hurled it back into the lake.
The Sword formed an elegant arc
as it flew through the midnight sky.
Its jewelled hilt flashed in the light
of the ghostly, pale winter moon.
Rubies, diamonds, emeralds, pearls
shone and glittered, challenging the stars
which so brightly paved the Milky Way.

From the depths of the lake,
a hand arose, mystic, wonderful,
draped in the whitest damask.
It seized the shimmering hilt,
and waved it thrice above the water,
slicing and cutting through the frosty air.
Slowly, Excalibur vanished
beneath the black and secret waters.

A dark boat floated smoothly
across the silent lake.
Inside sat three veiled queens,
to take the wounded King
to rest and recover at Avalon.
To return in England’s hour of need,
to sleep and wait,
the once and future King.

Sarah Das Gupta is a retired English teacher from near Cambridge, UK. She taught in India, Tanzania as well as the UK. As the head of department, she was often charged with overseeing the English section of the School Library and purchasing books.In most schools she was also responsible for stocking class libraries. She started writing this year after an accident which kept her in hospital. Her work has been published in many magazines from twelve countries, including US, UK, Australia, Canada, India, Germany, Croatia and Romania. Writing has given her the challenge and drive to learn to walk again.

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