Hi subscriber,

We know what you did this last summer... you submitted some very knotty pieces. And we love them.

We're currently hard at work untying and sifting through to find the best knot pieces to bring to you in our Fall issue releasing this October.

And now we ask you to put away the ropes and strings and bring out the sheets. We're now open for submissions for the theme of Ghosts! Please submit your pieces before the November 30th deadline for our Winter issue.

We're hoping to read through 999 haunts and there's always have room for more. We want ghosts of Christmas future (it's just around the corner), ghosts that moan and howl, ghosts of past lovers or forgotten lunches. Give us your scary ghosts or your friendly ghosts. Whatever haunts your halls, send them our way. We'll bust 'em.

Thanks for reading. Hope to see your submissions soon.

Deep Overstock Editors
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